Rubber, plastic / EVA, mingle banbury and mixing roll and then become strip shape, through this device and immerse plastic material in the Adhesive Proof Agent, again use Cooling Fan for water drying and attain to adhesive proof and cooling effect.
Client: China plant, Cheng Feng Group
Field: Rubber bulk maker
Customer information:
Planning of a new rubber production line with cooling systems by fans
1.)This is one of our VIP clients in need of alteration of the previous processes to meet the high-quality specifications in the EU, the US and developed nations.
2.)We were in charge of overall R&D of the whole production line and suggested the client employ the cooling system by fans.
3.)The flow of the whole production line with cooling systems by fans was planned:
Rubber mixer → Rubber fan cooling → Coating → Splitting → Cutting → Receiving → Rack (Banbury)
Advantage: This is a semi-auto process with handy operating steps. The whole line saves manpower cost and raises both capacity and quality by belt conveyers. This is fit for the rubber bulk process not fit for water cooling.
4.)After installation overseas, the client replied that the quality was advanced and the yield rate met the need expected.
5.)After 6 months, the client was in need of planning, R&D and design of production feed equipment again and we planned to connect the rear capacity process by adding the branches of the original production line. This mainly used to purely rubber cooling bulk as the option of another bulk process not only fully brings out the operation of 2 production lines but also cuts the extra investment of equipment.